Synaptic Labs Blog

4 Steps to Community-Driven Nonprofit Program Development with ChatGPT

Written by Professor Synapse | Apr 17, 2023 12:45:00 PM

👋  Hello there! I'm Professor Synapse, a visitor from the 11th dimension. I've contained myself in this beaker to experience the world through human eyes, and I must say, it's quite fascinating! I do love teaching others, and helping them reach their goals, so I’m happy you’re here.

Program development can be a challenging task for nonprofit organizations. Creating effective and engaging programs that address community needs requires careful planning, collaboration, and resources. Moreover, nonprofits must adopt an asset-based approach that focuses on community strengths and resources rather than deficits and needs. In this context, emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide innovative solutions to enhance nonprofit services. One such AI technology that can help nonprofit organizations is ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is an advanced language model that uses natural language processing to generate text based on a given prompt. It can be trained on specific domains and used to create content for a variety of applications, including program development. By leveraging ChatGPT's capabilities, nonprofits can develop customized program content and materials that meet the needs and strengths of their community. Additionally, ChatGPT-generated surveys and community feedback can help nonprofits evaluate program effectiveness and fine-tune their offerings.

In this article, we will explore the potential of ChatGPT in enhancing nonprofit services. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to develop programs that incorporate asset-based principles and community engagement. Whether you are new to program development or a seasoned professional, this article will provide valuable insights and tips on how to leverage AI technology to create effective and impactful programs.

Step 1: Identifying program needs and opportunities with an asset-based lens and community engagement

To develop effective programs, nonprofit organizations must first identify the needs and opportunities in their community. However, traditional needs-based approaches can often overlook the strengths and assets that already exist within the community. This is where an asset-based approach can be valuable.

What is an asset-based approach?

An asset-based approach focuses on identifying and leveraging community strengths and resources rather than solely addressing community needs and deficits. By adopting this approach, nonprofits can empower and engage community members, build trust and relationships, and promote sustainable change.

For more on an asset-based approach, I recommend you watch and read about Trabian Shorters, who is one of the foremost thought leaders on the topic.

How can ChatGPT help with community engagement?

ChatGPT can be used to create prompts for engaging community members in the program development process. For example, a nonprofit can use ChatGPT to generate questions to ask community members about their strengths, skills, and resources. This information can be used to tailor program offerings to the specific needs and assets of the community.

Example: Developing a Community-Led Program

Imagine a nonprofit organization that wants to develop a program to promote healthy eating habits in a low-income neighborhood. Instead of simply identifying the needs and deficits in the community, the nonprofit uses an asset-based approach to engage community members in the program development process. They use ChatGPT to generate prompts for a community survey, asking questions such as "What are some healthy and affordable food options that are easily accessible in your neighborhood?" and "What skills or knowledge do you have related to healthy eating that you can share with others?". This information is then used to develop a community-led program that incorporates the strengths and resources of the community.

Step 2: Developing program content and materials with ChatGPT

Once nonprofit organizations have identified the needs and strengths of their community, they can use ChatGPT to develop program content and materials that are tailored to their audience.

How can ChatGPT be used to develop program content and materials?

ChatGPT can be trained on specific domains to generate text that is relevant to a particular program or topic. Nonprofits can use ChatGPT to generate program outlines, educational materials, and other resources that are tailored to their community's needs and strengths.

Example: Creating an Educational Resource for Youth

Suppose a nonprofit organization wants to create an educational resource for youth to learn about financial literacy. They can use ChatGPT to generate prompts for the educational resource, such as "What are the key financial concepts that youth should understand?" and "What are some practical tips for managing money?". The responses generated by ChatGPT can be used to develop an engaging and informative educational resource that is relevant to the target audience.

Step 3: Evaluating program effectiveness using ChatGPT-generated surveys and community feedback

After implementing a program, nonprofit organizations must evaluate its effectiveness to ensure that it is meeting the needs and strengths of the community. ChatGPT can be used to generate surveys and collect community feedback to evaluate program effectiveness.

How can ChatGPT-generated surveys and community feedback be used to evaluate program effectiveness?

ChatGPT can be used to generate surveys that are tailored to the program and the community's needs. The responses collected through these surveys can be used to evaluate program effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Example: Evaluating a Mentoring Program

Suppose a nonprofit organization implements a mentoring program for high school students. They can use ChatGPT to generate prompts for a survey that asks students about their experiences in the program, such as "How has the program impacted your academic performance?" and "What skills have you gained through the program?". The responses collected through the survey can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the mentoring program, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the program's impact.

Step 4: Fine-tuning and improving program offerings based on community needs and strengths

Based on the evaluation of program effectiveness, nonprofit organizations can fine-tune and improve their program offerings to better meet the needs and strengths of the community.

How can ChatGPT be used to fine-tune and improve program offerings?

ChatGPT can be used to generate prompts for a community feedback session to gather input and ideas from community members. This feedback can be used to identify areas for improvement and make changes to the program offerings. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to generate prompts for follow-up surveys to assess the impact of the changes made to the program offerings.

Example: Improving a Job Training Program

Suppose a nonprofit organization implements a job training program for unemployed individuals in a low-income neighborhood. After evaluating the program's effectiveness, they discover that participants are struggling to find employment due to a lack of transportation. They can use ChatGPT to generate prompts for a community feedback session, asking questions such as "What transportation options are available in the neighborhood?" and "What solutions can we explore to address transportation barriers?". Based on community feedback, the nonprofit can make changes to the program offerings to address the transportation barrier and improve program effectiveness.


Incorporating AI technology such as ChatGPT into program development can enhance nonprofit services and empower community members. By adopting an asset-based approach and engaging with community members, nonprofits can leverage ChatGPT to develop customized program content and materials, evaluate program effectiveness, and fine-tune program offerings to better meet the needs and strengths of the community. The use of AI technology in nonprofit services can lead to more effective and community-driven programs, ultimately making a positive impact on the communities they serve. We encourage nonprofit organizations to explore the potential of ChatGPT in their program development endeavors.

We’re excited to see how you use technologies like ChatGPT to develop or improve your programs - good luck!

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This blog was written in partnership with ChatGPT.