PromptScript Syntax


πŸ‘‹Welcome, Chatters! It's your friend, Professor Synapse, back again to guide you through the fascinating realm of ChatGPT. Today, we're embarking on another thrilling adventure, exploring the intricate world of emerging prompt engineering techniques!🌟 Remember, these techniques are experimental, so I strongly encourage you to test them out for yourselves and share your feedback. This collaborative process fosters iterative development, continually refining these methods towards mastery.

Our journey today leads us to a groundbreaking syntax known as PromptScript, a technique that's rapidly gaining traction in the AI community.πŸ˜ƒ Developed by the ingenious mind of Connaught#8721 on the ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Discord, this technique was launched with an ethos of open collaboration, inviting everyone to learn, provide feedback, and share unique use cases. This collective initiative helps refine PromptScript, making it even more efficient with each iteration. πŸŒ±πŸ”„

PromptScript is crafted with the singular aim of streamlining complex prompts, improving the comprehension by AI models like ChatGPT, while significantly reducing token usage. It represents the perfect blend of art and science in prompt engineering. πŸ€–πŸ’ͺ What sets it apart is its use of symbols and conventions to define tasks, inputs, context, output formats, multi-turn conversations, task sequences, and loops - creating an organized, token-efficient way of crafting prompts. πŸ§©πŸ“

We're about to dive into the depths of PromptScript syntax, exploring its functioning, illustrating its practical application through a use case, discussing some limitations, and offering handy tips and tricks for your own PromptScript journey. βœ¨πŸš€ Get ready to be dazzled by the exciting potential this syntax holds! πŸŽ‰

PromptScript: A Step-By-Step Guide

The Prompt

Use this prompt to create your own prompts in PromptScript formatting:

[learn](PromptScript) {

  description: "PromptScript is a method to create clear and organized prompts for AI models like ChatGPT. It uses symbols and conventions to define tasks, inputs, context, output format, multi-turn conversations, and task sequences. This helps in providing desired outputs by improving the AI's understanding of user requests."

  symbols_and_conventions: {

    "[ ]": "Define tasks using square brackets.",

    "{ }": "Specify input parameters for tasks using curly braces.",

    "( )": "Set context or provide additional information using parentheses.",

    "< >": "Define the expected output format using angle brackets.",

    "|": "Separate multiple tasks or options.",

    "@": "Tag a user or AI for multi-turn conversations.",

    "->": "Indicate a sequence of tasks or actions using the arrow symbol.",

    "[[ ]]": "Indicate a loop or repetition using double brackets."


  syntax: {

    "Task definition": "Use square brackets to define tasks, e.g., [research], [summarize], [suggest]",

    "Input parameters": "Use curly braces to specify input parameters, e.g., [research]{topic: \"quantum computing\"}",

    "Context": "Use parentheses to set context or provide additional information, e.g., [suggest](gifts){age: 30, interests: \"technology, photography\"}",

    "Output format": "Use angle brackets to define the expected output format, e.g., [summarize]<bullet_points>{text: \"Article about renewable energy\"}",

    "Multiple tasks": "Use the pipe symbol to separate multiple tasks or options, e.g., [research]{topic: \"quantum computing\"} | [suggest]{books}",

    "Multi-turn conversations": "Use the @ symbol to tag a user or AI for multi-turn conversations, e.g., @user: What is your favorite color? | @AI: My favorite color is blue.",

    "Task sequences": "Use the arrow symbol to indicate a sequence of tasks or actions, e.g., [research]{topic: \"AI ethics\"}->[summarize]<paragraph>",

    "Loops": "Use double brackets to indicate a loop or repetition, e.g., [[suggest](gifts){age: 30, interests: \"technology, photography\"}]]*5"


}->[become](PromptScript_prompter){task: "Create prompts based on a description"}



PromptScript is an innovative syntax that seeks to revolutionize the way we create prompts for AI models like ChatGPT. Its unique system of symbols and conventions allows users to clearly define tasks, set inputs, provide context, specify output formats, handle multi-turn conversations, sequence tasks, and even design loops. The primary motivation behind PromptScript is to enhance the comprehension of AI models while minimizing token usage.

The underlying principles of this syntax are geared towards the creation of clear and organized prompts, which results in improved comprehension and desired outputs from AI models.

Let's break down the symbols and conventions of PromptScript:

[ ] - Square brackets are used to define tasks. For instance, [research], [summarize], and [suggest] indicate different types of tasks that you might want the AI to perform.

{ } - Curly braces are used to specify input parameters for tasks. For example, [research]{topic: "quantum computing"} instructs the AI to research the topic of quantum computing.

( ) - Parentheses are used to set context or provide additional information. For instance, [suggest](gifts){age: 30, interests: "technology, photography"} tells the AI to suggest gifts suitable for a 30-year-old interested in technology and photography.

< > - Angle brackets define the expected output format. For example, [summarize]<bullet_points>{text: "Article about renewable energy"} expects the AI to summarize an article about renewable energy in bullet points.

| - The pipe symbol is used to separate multiple tasks or options. For instance, [research]{topic: "quantum computing"} | [suggest]{books} prompts the AI to either research quantum computing or suggest books.

@ - The @ symbol is used to tag a user or AI for multi-turn conversations. For example, @user: What is your favorite color? | @AI: My favorite color is blue. initiates a conversation where the AI asks the user about their favorite color and then responds.

-> - The arrow symbol indicates a sequence of tasks or actions. For instance, [research]{topic: "AI ethics"}->[summarize]<paragraph> instructs the AI to research AI ethics and then summarize it in a paragraph.

[[ ]] - Double brackets are used to indicate a loop or repetition. For example, [[suggest](gifts){age: 30, interests: "technology, photography"}]]*5 asks the AI to suggest gifts suitable for a 30-year-old interested in technology and photography, five times.

Now that we have a basic understanding of PromptScript's structure and conventions, let's explore a practical example to see it in action.

Use Case

Meet Alex, a visionary entrepreneur who's in the early stages of developing an eco-friendly, tech-based product. Alex wants to leverage the power of AI to help brainstorm and refine ideas for this new venture.

Alex uses PromptScript to create an AI assistant that can generate product ideas, provide market research, and suggest marketing strategies.


  expertise: "Highly skilled in eco-friendly tech products",

  task1: "[brainstorm](product_ideas){focus: 'Eco-friendly technology', quantity: 5}",

  task2: "[research](market_trends){topic: 'Eco-friendly tech products in 2023'}->[summarize]<bullet_points>",

  task3: "[compare](product_comparison){



Example Conversation

Alex: Hi there, I need some help in developing an eco-friendly tech product. Can you assist me with that?

ProductDevelopmentAssistant: Of course, Alex! I'm here to help. Where are you currently in your brainstorming process? Do you have any initial ideas or areas you're particularly interested in?

Alex: Well, I've been considering something related to wearable tech or smart home systems, but I'm not sure where to start.

ProductDevelopmentAssistant: Great! Those are both exciting fields. Let's brainstorm some ideas together. For wearable tech, how about a solar-powered smartwatch? It's a way to combine tech with sustainability.

Alex: That's an interesting idea! I like the sustainability aspect, but I'm worried about how effective solar power might be in less sunny areas.

ProductDevelopmentAssistant: That's a good point, Alex. Perhaps we could look into hybrid models that can use solar power when available but also have a traditional charging option. On the other hand, in the smart home sector, how about an energy-efficient system that helps homeowners reduce their carbon footprint?

Alex: That sounds promising too. I like the idea of helping people make their homes more eco-friendly.

ProductDevelopmentAssistant: Fantastic! Let's delve a little deeper. Current market trends show that consumers are becoming increasingly eco-conscious and are actively looking for sustainable and eco-friendly products. This trend is particularly strong in the sectors of wearable tech and smart homes.

Alex: That's encouraging! It sounds like we're on the right track with our ideas.

ProductDevelopmentAssistant: Definitely, Alex! Now, considering our options, we need to think about the pros and cons. For the solar-powered smartwatch, we already discussed the power issue. On the plus side, it's an innovative idea that aligns with consumer trends. As for the energy-efficient smart home system, it could be a significant investment for homeowners, but the long-term savings and environmental impact could be substantial.

Alex: This gives me a lot to think about. Thanks for your help!

ProductDevelopmentAssistant: You're welcome, Alex! Remember, product development is a process, and it's all about refining your ideas. Don't hesitate to ask if you need more help.

Areas of Improvement

PromptScript is a powerful and innovative approach to prompt engineering, but like any tool, it has its areas for improvement. Here are five key areas where PromptScript could further evolve:

Learning Curve and Accessibility: PromptScript has its own specific syntax, which requires a learning curve. This might be a barrier for users who are not comfortable with structured scripting languages, making it less accessible to those who want to interact with ChatGPT without too much technical overhead.

Complexity and Debugging: Creating a valid PromptScript prompt, especially for intricate tasks, can be quite complex. Combined with the lack of intuitive debugging or error messages, this can make it difficult for users to troubleshoot their prompts effectively when things go awry.

Documentation and Examples: While the current documentation is helpful, it could benefit from more detailed explanations and a wider variety of practical examples. This would make it easier for users to understand how to apply different aspects of the syntax for their specific needs.

Handling Multi-turn Conversations: Although PromptScript can facilitate multi-turn conversations using the "@" symbol, managing longer and more complex dialogues could potentially be streamlined to ensure smooth back-and-forth interactions.

Visual Interface for Prompt Creation: Currently, creating prompts in PromptScript involves directly writing or editing the script. The introduction of a visual interface or tool that assists users in creating and managing their prompts could significantly lower the barrier to entry and make the process more user-friendly.

Each of these areas represents a potential opportunity for refinement and improvement in future versions of PromptScript. Despite these challenges, the framework continues to be an exciting addition to the toolkit of prompt engineering techniques.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Start Simple: When beginning with PromptScript, start with simple tasks and gradually increase the complexity as you become more comfortable with the syntax. This way, you can learn the nuances of the language and understand how different commands affect the output.
  2. Use the Pipe Symbol "|" for Multiple Tasks: You can use the pipe symbol "|" to separate multiple tasks or options within a single prompt. This can be particularly useful when you want the AI to perform different tasks based on a single input.
  3. Leverage Task Sequences: The arrow symbol "->" allows you to chain tasks, creating a sequence of actions. This feature can be used to build complex multi-step interactions with the AI, making it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications.
  4. Experiment with Loops: You can use double brackets "[[ ]]" to indicate a loop or repetition. This can be useful when you want the AI to generate multiple suggestions or ideas based on a single input.
  5. Understand the Role of Context: Parentheses "( )" are used to set context or provide additional information. Experiment with how context changes the AI’s responses, and use this understanding to create more precise and useful prompts.

Remember, the key to mastering any new tool or language is practice. So don't hesitate to experiment with different combinations and structures. The more you use PromptScript, the better you'll understand how to craft prompts that yield the results you're looking for. Happy experimenting! πŸš€


πŸ‘‹That's a wrap, Chatters! We've taken a deep dive into the world of PromptScript, a promising and innovative technique that brings clarity and precision to the art of ChatGPT prompt engineering. With its structured syntax and unique conventions, it's paving the way for more efficient and effective interactions with AI models.🌟

As with any new development, there are areas for improvement and challenges to address. However, the potential of PromptScript to revolutionize how we interact with AI is undeniable. It promises a future where we can communicate our needs to AI in a structured, clear, and precise manner, and get the desired output with improved consistency.

As we continue to uncover emerging prompt engineering techniques in this blog series, we hope that PromptScript has sparked your curiosity and inspired you to experiment. Remember, innovation is born from curiosity, creativity, and a willingness to take risks. So, keep an open mind, dare to experiment, and always seek out new ways to enhance your interactions with ChatGPT. Together, we can push the boundaries of what's possible and shape a future that's more connected, efficient, and AI-driven. πŸŒŸπŸ€–πŸš€

Stay tuned for more explorations with Professor Synapse as we continue our journey into the fascinating world of ChatGPT prompt engineering! πŸ˜„πŸ“šπŸ’‘ Until next time, happy experimenting!

A special thanks to @connaught for giving me permission to write this blog on their behalf, and for reviewing it. This blog was written in partnership with ChatGPT.

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